In the beginning God created… I heard today, and have heard before, the evolutionist believes we came from a rock. That is reported with a scoffer’s tone and attitude, usually. In the coming chapters of the Biblical account we will see that we did not come from a rock but from dust. In all reality, those are more similar in substance than they are different.
God created… that of necessity puts me in a position of subjugation. I choose the word subjugation instead of submission because, as we will see, we are ever want to live in rebellion and self will. I advise to live as if you were not merely submissive but totally and absolutely conquered and forced into continued performance of the will of another: subjugated.
He created… in another place he is referred to as the potter. This is not really the same thing, and for our purpose the difference is an essential element in understanding. The potter reworks something that was previously broken down into a formless pliable mass which at the same time retains some specific characteristics, let’s call those characteristics “personality”.
This God/Creator took what once may very well have been rock but at the time of our beginning was dust. With that humble substance he made what he referrers to as man.
This is the main point of this post, whether made originally during the creative process, or remade later from the corrupted/discarded remains of said created stuff—man is a creation, there are implications to that.
Action: I will approach God from the point of view that I am an inferior being, that I am owned, and that I owe him both my current and future state.